Full Grant Application

Before you can submit a Full Grant Application you must have submitted a Preliminary Grant Application and been invited to then submit the Full Application below.

Full Applications submitted without prior approval will not be considered.

Preliminary Grant Application here.

Please submit the following items:

Reference each item by name. Present your case clearly and concisely adhering to the recommended space limitations.

The format is intended as a guide to provide direction. Not every item will be relevant to every application.

Primary Full Application Document Upload

  • Project Abstract

    Briefly summarize the proposed project, identity the problem or need to be addressed, the project’s objectives, and the proposed strategy for achieving them. Indicate the total estimated project costs, the amount requested from the foundation, and identify other principal sources of support.
  • Project Narative

    Introduction – Describe the organization’s capacity to undertake the proposed project, and indicate its previous achievements, experience, and qualifications. Document past program accomplishments and show evidence of client and community support. Address the relationship between the proposed project and the organization’s mission.

    Officers and Directors – A complete list of the organization’s officers and directors

    Problem Statement or Needs Assessment – Describe the significance of the proposed project to the Greater Beloit Area. Define the scope and significance of the problem or need to be addressed by the project. Document the size and characteristics of the population to be served. Indicate the level of collaboration with other agencies serving similar populations. Indicate how the proposed project would expand or complement existing community services.

    Program Objectives – Describe the outcomes of the project in measurable terms. Who will be better off, and how, at the end of the grant period?

    Methods – Indicate the sequence of activities needed to accomplish the program objectives. Describe staff qualifications and responsibilites, staff and volunteer training, and client selection procedures or policies. Include a project timeline. Is this the best approach to achieve the program objective? Why?

    Evaluation Plan – Describe how the applicant plans to measure the progress and ultimate success of the proposed object.

    Future and Other Necessary Funding – Describe the financial plan for current and future support of the proposed project. What is the rationale for the amount requested from the Colonel Robert H. Morse Foundation? If other funding is necessary to complete the project budget, where will it come from? If the project will be continued, how will it be supported in the future?

  • Project Budget

    Project expenses and income sources – Present a line item budget including project expense and income sources, delineating how funds requested from the Foundation would be spent.

    Income and expense statement – The organization’s actual income and expense statement for the past fiscal year, certifying the organization’s principal source of support, plus current statement

    Projected income and expenses – The organization’s projected income and expenses budget for the current fiscal year, identifying the projected revenue sources

Additional Individual Document Uploads

  • President or officer letter – A letter signed by the president or another officer of the organization’s governing body, indicating support of the proposal
  • Financial Statement – The organization’s most recent audited financial statement
  • IRS tax exemption letter – Copies of the IRS federal tax exemption determination letters
  • Form 990 – Copy of federal reporting Form 990 for the past fiscal year

Full Grant Application

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Contact Information

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Upload your Full Application Documents

Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.

Confirm and submit your full application

You may only submit a full application after you have been notified that your preliminary online application has been accepted.
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